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Writer's pictureLynne Medsker

Yup, it's a random life for me...

I realized I hadn't blogged or updated the website for a while. Well, that "while" was almost 8 months ago! Shesh. I have been doing creative things, just not taking the time to share them. In (close to) chronological order: Made a crap-ton of new jewelry early in the year, that was the last time I posted. Took an amazing trip to Alaska, came home with thousands of photos.

Started growing plants in the studio & the greenhouse. Grew too many plants and hosted a plant sale to raise money for our local shelter, raised $440! Planted and tended the garden, which is currently overgrown and popping out more stuff than I can keep up with. Started a new digital project, a coloring book of foster animals. Promptly forgot to keep working on it.

Created eclipse jewelry for local galleries & shops. Hosted an eclipse watching event at my studio with art projects and a 100% totality view of the eclipse.

Added more types of native plants to my flower gardens. Harvested, dried, tincture or infused all kinds of medicinal plants that grow on our property. Finally got some new paintings done, all inspired from flowers in my garden.

At the same time I am cleaning out the studio of things I don't use or love. The thing I love most about it right now is that it houses this sweet little foster pup. He has stolen my heart over the last 8 weeks he's been with me! And also taken what little free time I had.

A camping trip this summer, visits from all the grandkids, and some time with friends pretty much wraps up what's been going on. Hope you are well and creative!


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